
Title Author Year Publication type
RU-486. Termination of a pregnancy in the privacy of one’s home Malcolm Potts 1989 Review Article
The fifth freedom revisited: I, Background and existing programmes Malcolm Potts 1990 Review Article
The fifth freedom revisited: II, The way forward Malcolm Potts; Allan Rosenfield 1990 Review Article
Should oral contraceptives be available without prescription? James Trussell; Felicia Stewart; Malcolm Potts; Felicia Guest; Charlotte Ellertson 1993 Journal Article
Religion, family planning, and abortion Malcolm Potts 1993 Correspondence
Reaching the hard to reach Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts; Pouru Bhiwandi 1994 Journal Article
The impact of maternal health improvement on perinatal survival: cost-effective alternatives Julia Walsh; A Measham; C Feifer C; Paul Gertler 1994 Journal Article
Letter: Funding international family planning Malcolm Potts; John Guillebaud 1994 Correspondence
Safety implications of transferring the oral contraceptive from prescription-only to over-the-counter status Malcolm Potts; Colleen Denny 1995 Journal Article
The myth of a male pill Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
The fertility transition in Cuba and the Federal Republic of Korea: the impact of organised family planning Jeanne Noble; Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
Sex and the Birth Rate: Human Biology, Demographic Change, and Access to Fertility Regulation Methods Malcolm Potts 1997 Book review
Schools of Thought: An Analysis of Interest Groups Influential in International Population Policy Martha Campbell 1998 Journal Article
Making Cairo work Malcolm Potts; Julia Walsh 1999 Journal Article
The most pressing issue Malcolm Potts 2000 Journal Article
Thinking About Vaginal Microbicide Testing Malcolm Potts 2000 Commentary
Quinacrine sterilization: a middle road Giuseppe Benagiano; Malcolm Potts 2001 Commentary
Meeting the contraceptive and AIDS prevention needs of people living on a dollar a day Malcolm Potts 2001 Journal Article
Franchising of health services in low-income countries Dominic Montagu 2002 Review Article
Response to Ronald Gray, Male circumcision and HIV acquisition and transmission: cohort studies in Rakai, Uganda Daniel T Halperin; Helen A Weiss; Richard Hayes; Bertran Auvert; Robert C Bailey; Jack Caldwell; Thomas Coates; Nancy Padian; Malcolm Potts; Allan Ronald; Roger Short; Brian Williams; Jeffrey Klausner 2002 Journal Article
War, peace, and fertility in Angola Victor Agadjanian; Ndola Prata 2002 Journal Article
War, peace, and fertility in Angola Victor Agadjanian 2002 Journal Article
Important step for global security Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2003 Correspondence
Innovations in access to TB and HIV/AIDS care in sub-Saharan Africa: dynamic engagement of the private sector Dominic Montagu; GIjs Elzinga 2003 Opinion
Two pills, two paths: a tale of gender bias Malcolm Potts 2003 Journal Article
Microbicides and HIV: Help or Hindrance? Eran Karmon; Malcolm Potts; Wayne Getz 2003 Journal Article
Using microbicides to fight the spread of HIV Malcolm Potts; R Short 2003 Letter to the Editor
Ability to pay for maternal health services: what will it take to meet WHO standards? Ndola Prata; Fiona Greig; Julia Walsh; Anna West 2004 Journal Article
Partner reduction is crucial for balanced “ABC” approach to HIV prevention James D Shelton; Daniel T Halperin; Vinand Nantulya; Malcolm Potts; Helene D Gayle; King K Holmes 2004 Journal Article
Three meetings and fewer funerals–misoprostol in postpartum haemorrhage Malcolm Potts; Martha Campbell 2004 Commentary
Kenya: Reaching the Poor through the Private Sector-A Network Model for Expanding Access to Reproductive Health Services N Prata; D Montagu; M Campbell; J Walsh; S Orero 2005 Journal Article
Why Can’t a Man Be More Like a Woman? Sex, Power, and Politics Malcolm Potts 2005 Journal Article
Revisiting community-based distribution programs: are they still needed? Ndola Prataa; Farnaz Vahidniaa; Malcolm Pottsa; Ingrid Dries-Daffnerb 2005 Journal Article
Private sector, human resources and health franchising in Africa Ndola Prata; Dominic Montagu; Emma Jefferys 2005 Journal Article
Using the kanga to measure postpartum blood loss N Prata; G Mbaruku; M Campbell 2005 Journal Article
Controlling postpartum hemorrhage after home births in Tanzania N Prata; G Mbaruku; M Campbell; M Potts; F Vahidnia 2005 Journal Article
Gender and Relationship Differences in Condom Use Among 15-24-Year-Olds in Angola Ndola Prata; Farnaz Vahidnia; Ashley Frase 2005 Journal Article
Misoprostol and declining abortion-related morbidity in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: a temporal association Suellen Miller; Tara Lehman; Martha Campbell; Anke Hemmerling; Sonia Brito Anderson; Hector Rodriguez; Wilme Vargas Gonzalez; Cordero,g Victor Calderon 2005 Journal Article
Tackling India’s HIV epidemic: lessons from Africa Malcolm Potts; Julia Walsh 2005 Journal Article
Tsunami and the silent tide: the invisible challenge of women’s health Martha Campbell 2005 Commentary
Where will Benedict XVI lead his sheep? Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2005 Commentary
The population policy pendulum. Needs to settle near the middle–and acknowledge the importance of numbers Malcolm Potts 2005 Journal Article
The pill is mightier than the sword Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2006 Newspaper
The worldwide burden of postpartum haemorrhage: Policy development where inaction is lethal Malcolm Potts; Anke Hemmerling 2006 Journal Article
Tackling the unacceptable: Nigeria approves misoprostol for postpartum haemorrhage Amy Jadesimi; Friday E Okonofua 2006 Commentary
The safety of misoprostol Anke Hemmerling 2006 Journal Article
Misoprostol and active management of the third stage of labor N Prata; S Hamza; R Gypson; K Nada; F Vahidnia; M Potts 2006 Journal Article
A global overview of ongoing misoprostol studies Ndola Prata 2006 Journal Article
Barriers to Fertility Regulation: A Review of the Literature Martha Campbell; Nuriye Nalan Sahin-Hodoglugil; Malcolm Potts 2006 Journal Article
A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage: Chapter 16: Misoprostol in Practice Malcolm Potts 2006 Book Chapter