
Title Author Year Publication type
Tackling the unacceptable: Nigeria approves misoprostol for postpartum haemorrhage Amy Jadesimi; Friday E Okonofua 2006 Commentary
Tanzania PPH Misoprostol Poster UC Berkeley Bixby Center; VSI 2011 Poster
Task shifting and sharing in Tigray, Ethiopia, to achieve comprehensive emergency obstetric care Amanuel Gessessew; Gebre Ab Barnabas; Ab Barnabas; Ndola Prata; Karen Weidert 2011 Journal Article
The fertility transition in Cuba and the Federal Republic of Korea: the impact of organised family planning Jeanne Noble; Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
The fifth freedom revisited: I, Background and existing programmes Malcolm Potts 1990 Review Article
The fifth freedom revisited: II, The way forward Malcolm Potts; Allan Rosenfield 1990 Review Article
The health, social, and economic consequences of unsafe abortion: Papers presented at an IUSSP Seminar, Mexico, 2010 Susheela Singh; Sandra G. García; Agnès Guillaume; Friday Okonofua; Ndola Prata 2010 Journal Article
The Impact of Freedom on Fertility Decline Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts; Ndola Prata 2013 Journal Article
The impact of maternal health improvement on perinatal survival: cost-effective alternatives Julia Walsh; A Measham; C Feifer C; Paul Gertler 1994 Journal Article
The impact of vouchers on the use and quality of health care in developing countries: a systematic review Carinne Meyer Brodya; Nicole Bellowsc; Martha Campbell; Malcom Potts 2013 Journal Article
The most pressing issue Malcolm Potts 2000 Journal Article
The myth of a male pill Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
The Pill and the blackboard Malcolm Potts 2006 Commentary
The pill is mightier than the sword Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2006 Newspaper
THE POPULATION FACTOR: How does it relate to climate change? Malcolm Potts; Leah Marsh 2010 Journal Article
The population policy pendulum. Needs to settle near the middle–and acknowledge the importance of numbers Malcolm Potts 2005 Journal Article
The remarkable story of Romanian women’s struggle to manage their fertility Mihai Horga; Caitlin Gerdts; Malcolm Potts 2013 Journal Article
The Role of Misoprostol in Scaling Up Postabortion Care N. Sahin-Hodoglugil; VSI 2009 Letter to the Editor
The role of private providers in maternal health Priya Agrawal; Oona M R Campbell; Ndola Prata 2014 Journal Article
The safety of misoprostol Anke Hemmerling 2006 Journal Article
The Sahel: A Malthusian Challenge? Malcolm Potts; Courtney Henderson; Martha Campbell 2013 Journal Article
The theoretical and political framing of the population factor in development Martha Campbell; Kathleen Bedford 2009 Journal Article
The worldwide burden of postpartum haemorrhage: Policy development where inaction is lethal Malcolm Potts; Anke Hemmerling 2006 Journal Article
Thinking About Vaginal Microbicide Testing Malcolm Potts 2000 Commentary
Thousand Year Old Depictions of Massage Abortion Malcolm Potts; Maura Graff; Judy Taing 2007 Commentary
Three meetings and fewer funerals–misoprostol in postpartum haemorrhage Malcolm Potts; Martha Campbell 2004 Commentary
Training traditional birth attendants on the use of misoprostol and a blood measurement tool to prevent postpartum haemorrhage: lessons learnt from Bangladesh Ndola Prata; Suzanne Bell; Paige Passano; Daniel Bohl; Arshadul Islam 2015 Journal Article
Training traditional birth attendants to use misoprostol and an absorbent delivery mat in home births Ndola Prata; Abdul Quaiyum; Paige Passano; Suzanne Bell; Daniel D Bohl; Shahed Hossain; Ashrafi Jahan Azm; Mohsina Begum 2012 Journal Article
Tsunami and the silent tide: the invisible challenge of women’s health Martha Campbell 2005 Commentary
Two pills, two paths: a tale of gender bias Malcolm Potts 2003 Journal Article
Urgent action needed to curb runaway population growth in Pakistan Zafar Mirza 2019 Newspaper
Using microbicides to fight the spread of HIV Malcolm Potts; R Short 2003 Letter to the Editor
Using the kanga to measure postpartum blood loss N Prata; G Mbaruku; M Campbell 2005 Journal Article
VSI Overview VSI 2013 Overview
VSI Theory of Change for Women and Girls VSI 2014 Report
War, peace, and fertility in Angola Victor Agadjanian; Ndola Prata 2002 Journal Article
War, peace, and fertility in Angola Victor Agadjanian 2002 Journal Article
Where next? Conclusion for ‘The impact of population growth on tomorrow’s world’ Malcolm Potts 2009 Journal Article
Where There Are (Few) Skilled Birth Attendants Ndola Prata; Paige Passano; Tami Rowen; Suzanne Bell; Julia Walsh; Malcolm Potts 2011 Commentary
Where will Benedict XVI lead his sheep? Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2005 Commentary
Why Bold Policies for Family Planning are Needed Now Malcolm Potts; Rachel Weinrib; Martha Campbell 2013 Journal Article
Why Can’t a Man Be More Like a Woman? Sex, Power, and Politics Malcolm Potts 2005 Journal Article
Women and Girls at the Center of Planetary Health Solutions Ndola Prata 2019 Video
Women’s Empowerment and Fertility: A Review of the Literature Ndola Prata; Ushma D. Upadhyay; Jessica D. Gipson; Mellissa Withers; Shayna Lewis; Erica J. Ciaraldi; Ashley Fraser; Megan J. Huchko 2015 Journal Article
Women’s Limited Choice and Availability of Modern Contraception at Retail Outlets and Public-Sector Facilities in Luanda, Angola, 2012–2015 Ndola Prata; Benjamin Nieto-Andrade; Eva Fidel; Rebecca Simmons; Dana Sievers; Anya Fedorova; Suzanne Bell; Karen Weidert 2017 Journal Article
Zimbabwe PAC Brochure: “Using misoprostol tablets to treat incomplete abortion” VSI 2013 Report
Zimbabwe PPH Poster: “Prevent Excessive Bleeding After Childbirth” VSI 2013 Report