Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Misoprostol Use in Postabortion Care: A Service Delivery Toolkit VSI 2011 Toolkit
Community-based Prevention of PPH with Misoprostol in Mozambique VSI; UC Berkeley Bixby Center 2011 Report
Task shifting and sharing in Tigray, Ethiopia, to achieve comprehensive emergency obstetric care Amanuel Gessessew; Gebre Ab Barnabas; Ab Barnabas; Ndola Prata; Karen Weidert 2011 Journal Article
Connecting Women with Care: 2011/2012 VSI Biennial Report VSI 2011 Report
Niger: Too Little, Too Late Malcolm Potts; Martha Campbell; Sarah Zureick; Virginia Gidi 2011 Journal Article
A review of “Sex Before the Sexual Revolution: Intimate Life in England 1918–1963” Malcolm Potts 2011 Book review
Health education for microcredit clients in Peru: a randomized controlled trial Rita Hamad1; Lia CH Fernald; Dean S Karlan 2011 Journal Article
A Woman Cannot Die from a Pregnancy She Does Not Have Malcolm Potts; Nadia Diamond-Smith 2011 Journal Article
A new hope for women: medical abortion in a low-resource setting in Ethiopia Ndola Prata; Amanuel Gessessew; Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2011 Commentary
Inability to predict postpartum hemorrhage: insights from Egyptian intervention data Ndola Prata; Sabry Hamza; Suzanne Bell; Deborah Karasek; Farnaz Vahidnia; Martine Holston 2011 Journal Article