Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication typesort descending
Confronting Maternal Mortality Due to Postpartum Hemorrhage and Unsafe Abortion: A Call for Commitment Joseph Karanja; Projestine Muganyizi; Emmanuel Rwamushaija; Nuriye Hodoglugil; Emma Nesper Holm; Regional Experts’ Summit Group; VSI 2013 Commentary
Return of the Population Growth Factor Martha Campbell; John Cleland; Alex Ezeh; Ndola Prata 2007 Commentary
Where will Benedict XVI lead his sheep? Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2005 Commentary
Eight Mondays: a parliamentary group ends the silence on population Martha Campbell 2007 Commentary
Quinacrine sterilization: a middle road Giuseppe Benagiano; Malcolm Potts 2001 Commentary
Thinking About Vaginal Microbicide Testing Malcolm Potts 2000 Commentary
Les grandes questions meritent des responses audacieuses: la population et le changement climatique au Sahel Malcolm Potts; Alisha Graves 2013 Commentary
Where There Are (Few) Skilled Birth Attendants Ndola Prata; Paige Passano; Tami Rowen; Suzanne Bell; Julia Walsh; Malcolm Potts 2011 Commentary
Population growth and the Millennium Development Goals Malcolm Potts; J Fotso 2007 Commentary
Maternal mortality: one death every 7 min Ndola Prata; Malcolm Potts; Nuriye Nalan Sahin-Hodoglugil 2010 Commentary