Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Parachute approach to evidence based medicine M Potts; N Prata; J Walsh; A Grossman 2006 Commentary
Getting family planning and population back on track Malcolm Potts 2014 Commentary
Letter: Effect of Contraceptive Access on Birth Rate Malcolm Potts; Martha Campbell 2008 Commentary
Tsunami and the silent tide: the invisible challenge of women’s health Martha Campbell 2005 Commentary
The Pill and the blackboard Malcolm Potts 2006 Commentary
Population and climate change: who will the grand convergence leave behind? Campbell M; Casterline J; Castillo F; Graves A; Hall T; May J; Perlman D; Potts M; Speidel J; Walsh J; Wehner M; Zulu E 2014 Commentary
Criticism of misguided Chu et al. article Malcolm Potts; Caitlin Gerdts; Ndola Prata; Friday Okonofua; Nuriye Hodoglugil; Nap Hosang; Karen Weidert; Ashley Fraser; Suzanne Bell 2012 Commentary
Confronting Maternal Mortality Due to Postpartum Hemorrhage and Unsafe Abortion: A Call for Commitment Joseph Karanja; Projestine Muganyizi; Emmanuel Rwamushaija; Nuriye Hodoglugil; Emma Nesper Holm; Regional Experts’ Summit Group; VSI 2013 Commentary
Return of the Population Growth Factor Martha Campbell; John Cleland; Alex Ezeh; Ndola Prata 2007 Commentary
Where will Benedict XVI lead his sheep? Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2005 Commentary