Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Misoprostol for safe motherhood: one tablet, two life-saving indications Amy Grossman; Alisha Graves; Emmanuel Rwamushaija; Calandra Park 2010 Journal Article
China’s one child policy Malcolm Potts 2006 Journal Article
Microbicides and HIV: Help or Hindrance? Eran Karmon; Malcolm Potts; Wayne Getz 2003 Journal Article
Potential for Cost Recovery: Women’s Willingness to Pay for Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia Ndola Prata; Suzanne Bell; Karen Weidert; Amanuel Gessessew 2015 Journal Article
If, when and how to tell: a qualitative study of HIV disclosure among young women in Zimbabwe Sophia Zamudio-Haas; Imelda Mudekunye-Mahaka; Barrot H. Lambdin; Barrot H. Lambdin 2012 Journal Article
Consumer behaviour and contraceptive decisions: resolving a decades-long puzzle Martha Campbell 2006 Journal Article
The fertility transition in Cuba and the Federal Republic of Korea: the impact of organised family planning Jeanne Noble; Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
Shining the light on abortion: Drivers of online abortion searches across the United States in 2018 Ndola Prata; Sylvia Guendelman; Elizabeth Pleasants; Elena Yon; Alan Hubbard 2020 Journal Article
Niger: Too Little, Too Late Malcolm Potts; Martha Campbell; Sarah Zureick; Virginia Gidi 2011 Journal Article
Reaching the hard to reach Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts; Pouru Bhiwandi 1994 Journal Article