Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Modeling maternal mortality in Bangladesh: the role of misoprostol in postpartum hemorrhage prevention Ndola Prata; Suzanne Bell; Md Abdul Quaiyum 2015 Journal Article
Meeting the need: youth and family planning in sub-Saharan Africa Ndola Prata; Karen Weidert; Amita Sreenevas 2012 Journal Article
The theoretical and political framing of the population factor in development Martha Campbell; Kathleen Bedford 2009 Journal Article
Using the kanga to measure postpartum blood loss N Prata; G Mbaruku; M Campbell 2005 Journal Article
The most pressing issue Malcolm Potts 2000 Journal Article
Provision of injectable contraceptives in Ethiopia through community-based reproductive health agents Ndola Prata; Amanuel Gessessew; Alice Cartwrightc; Ashley Fraser 2011 Journal Article
Ability to pay for maternal health services: what will it take to meet WHO standards? Ndola Prata; Fiona Greig; Julia Walsh; Anna West 2004 Journal Article
Abortion history and its association with current use of modern contraceptive methods in Luanda, Angola Ndola Prata; Natalie Morris 2018 Journal Article
The impact of vouchers on the use and quality of health care in developing countries: a systematic review Carinne Meyer Brodya; Nicole Bellowsc; Martha Campbell; Malcom Potts 2013 Journal Article
Setting priorities for safe motherhood interventions in resource-scarce settings Ndola Prata; Amita Sreenivas; Fiona Greig; Julia Walsh; Malcolm Potts 2010 Journal Article