Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Titlesort ascending Author Year Publication type
Misoprostol for postpartum hemorrhage prevention at home birth: an integrative review of global implementation experience to date Jeffrey Michael Smith; Rehana Gubin; Martine M Holston; Judith Fullerton; Ndola Prata 2013 Journal Article
Misoprostol Distribution at Antenatal Care in Tanzania VSI; UC Berkeley Bixby Center 2011 Poster
Misoprostol and declining abortion-related morbidity in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: a temporal association Suellen Miller; Tara Lehman; Martha Campbell; Anke Hemmerling; Sonia Brito Anderson; Hector Rodriguez; Wilme Vargas Gonzalez; Cordero,g Victor Calderon 2005 Journal Article
Misoprostol and active management of the third stage of labor N Prata; S Hamza; R Gypson; K Nada; F Vahidnia; M Potts 2006 Journal Article
Microcredit participation and nutrition outcomes among women in Peru Lia Fernald; Rita Hamad 2010 Journal Article
Microbicides and HIV: Help or Hindrance? Eran Karmon; Malcolm Potts; Wayne Getz 2003 Journal Article
Meeting the need: youth and family planning in sub-Saharan Africa Ndola Prata; Karen Weidert; Amita Sreenevas 2012 Journal Article
Meeting the contraceptive and AIDS prevention needs of people living on a dollar a day Malcolm Potts 2001 Journal Article
Meeting Rural Demand: A Case for Combining Community-Based Distribution and Social Marketing of Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia Ndola Prata; Karen Weidert; Ashley Fraser; Amanuel Gessessew 2013 Journal Article
Meeting Rural Demand: A Case for Combining Community-Based Distribution and Social Marketing of Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia Ndola Prata; Karen Weidert; Ashley Fraser; Amanuel Gessessew 2013 Journal Article