Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Tackling the unacceptable: Nigeria approves misoprostol for postpartum haemorrhage Amy Jadesimi; Friday E Okonofua 2006 Commentary
Tanzania PPH Misoprostol Poster UC Berkeley Bixby Center; VSI 2011 Poster
Task shifting and sharing in Tigray, Ethiopia, to achieve comprehensive emergency obstetric care Amanuel Gessessew; Gebre Ab Barnabas; Ab Barnabas; Ndola Prata; Karen Weidert 2011 Journal Article
The fertility transition in Cuba and the Federal Republic of Korea: the impact of organised family planning Jeanne Noble; Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
The fifth freedom revisited: I, Background and existing programmes Malcolm Potts 1990 Review Article
The fifth freedom revisited: II, The way forward Malcolm Potts; Allan Rosenfield 1990 Review Article
The health, social, and economic consequences of unsafe abortion: Papers presented at an IUSSP Seminar, Mexico, 2010 Susheela Singh; Sandra G. García; Agnès Guillaume; Friday Okonofua; Ndola Prata 2010 Journal Article
The Impact of Freedom on Fertility Decline Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts; Ndola Prata 2013 Journal Article
The impact of maternal health improvement on perinatal survival: cost-effective alternatives Julia Walsh; A Measham; C Feifer C; Paul Gertler 1994 Journal Article
The impact of vouchers on the use and quality of health care in developing countries: a systematic review Carinne Meyer Brodya; Nicole Bellowsc; Martha Campbell; Malcom Potts 2013 Journal Article