Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Kenya: Reaching the Poor through the Private Sector-A Network Model for Expanding Access to Reproductive Health Services N Prata; D Montagu; M Campbell; J Walsh; S Orero 2005 Journal Article
Why Can’t a Man Be More Like a Woman? Sex, Power, and Politics Malcolm Potts 2005 Journal Article
Revisiting community-based distribution programs: are they still needed? Ndola Prataa; Farnaz Vahidniaa; Malcolm Pottsa; Ingrid Dries-Daffnerb 2005 Journal Article
Private sector, human resources and health franchising in Africa Ndola Prata; Dominic Montagu; Emma Jefferys 2005 Journal Article
Using the kanga to measure postpartum blood loss N Prata; G Mbaruku; M Campbell 2005 Journal Article
Controlling postpartum hemorrhage after home births in Tanzania N Prata; G Mbaruku; M Campbell; M Potts; F Vahidnia 2005 Journal Article
Gender and Relationship Differences in Condom Use Among 15-24-Year-Olds in Angola Ndola Prata; Farnaz Vahidnia; Ashley Frase 2005 Journal Article
Misoprostol and declining abortion-related morbidity in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: a temporal association Suellen Miller; Tara Lehman; Martha Campbell; Anke Hemmerling; Sonia Brito Anderson; Hector Rodriguez; Wilme Vargas Gonzalez; Cordero,g Victor Calderon 2005 Journal Article
Tackling India’s HIV epidemic: lessons from Africa Malcolm Potts; Julia Walsh 2005 Journal Article
Tsunami and the silent tide: the invisible challenge of women’s health Martha Campbell 2005 Commentary