Family Planning

Potential for Cost Recovery: Women’s Willingness to Pay for Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia

Ndola Prata
Suzanne Bell
Karen Weidert
Amanuel Gessessew


To investigate factors associated with a woman’s willingness to pay (WTP) for injectable contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia.


We used a multistage random sampling design to generate a representative sample of reproductive age women from the Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia to participate in a survey (N = 1490). Respondents who had ever used injectable contraceptives or who were interested in using them were asked whether they would be willing to pay, and if so, how much. Logistic regression odds ratios (ORs) with 95%...

Increasing Access to Injectable Contraceptives in Ethiopia

UC Berkeley Bixby Center

In Ethiopia the unmet need for family planning is one of the highest in the world; 34% of women who desire to control their fertility lack access to a modern form of contraception.

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Getting family planning and population back on track

Malcolm Potts

After a generation of partial neglect, renewed attention is being paid to population and voluntary family planning. Realistic access to family planning is a prerequisite for women’s autonomy. For the individual, family, society, and our fragile planet, family planning has great power.

Published in Global Health: Science and Practice 2014; 2(2), 145-51.

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Potential for Cost Recovery: Women’s Willingness to Pay for Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia

Ndola Prata
Suzanne Bell
Karen Weidert
Amanuel Gessessew


To investigate factors associated with a woman’s willingness to pay (WTP) for injectable contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia.


We used a multistage random sampling design to generate a representative sample of reproductive age women from the Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia to participate in a survey (N = 1490). Respondents who had ever used injectable contraceptives or who were interested in using them were asked whether they would be willing to pay, and if so, how much. Logistic regression odds ratios (ORs) with 95%...

Training traditional birth attendants on the use of misoprostol and a blood measurement tool to prevent postpartum haemorrhage: lessons learnt from Bangladesh

Ndola Prata
Suzanne Bell
Paige Passano
Daniel Bohl
Arshadul Islam

A consensus emerged in the late 1990s among leaders in global maternal health that traditional birth attendants (TBAs) should no longer be trained in delivery skills and should instead be trained as promoters of facility-based care. Many TBAs continue to be trained in places where home deliveries are the norm and the potential impacts of this training are important to understand. The primary objective of this study was to gain a more nuanced understanding of the full impact of training TBAs to use misoprostol and a blood measurement tool (mat) for the prevention of postpartum...

An Integrated Approach to Livelihoods and Family Planning

Ndola Prata
C. Chessin-Yudin

Climate change will disproportionately affect the poor in the future, nowhere more so than in the fragile ecological zone known as the Sahel. The Sahel has been plagued with droughts, decreasing crop yields, and increasing environmental degradation (World Bank, 2013). This paper will empirically demonstrate that an integrated intervention, coupling access to family planning (FP) and livelihoods interventions will lead to food security and better health outcomes in the Sahel. The hypothesis outlined in this paper will show that by combining FP and livelihood interventions, a...

Postpartum family planning: current evidence on successful interventions

Ndola Prata
Cassandra Blazer

We reviewed existing evidence of the efficacy of postpartum family planning interventions targeting women in the 12 months postpartum period in low- and middle-income countries. We searched for studies from January 1, 2004 to September 19, 2015, using the US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations to assess evidence quality. Our search resulted in 26 studies: 11 based in sub-Saharan Africa, six in the Middle East and North Africa, and nine in Asia. Twenty of the included studies assessed health facility-based interventions. Three were focused on community interventions, two...

Engaging Men in Family Planning: Perspectives From Married Men in Lomé, Togo

Ndola Prata
Tekou B. Koffi
Karen Weidert
Erakalaza Ouro Bitasse
Marthe Adjoko E
Mensah, Jacques Emina
Sheila Mensah
Annette Bongiovanni

Family planning programs have made vast progress in many regions of sub-Saharan Africa in the last decade, but francophone West Africa is still lagging behind. More emphasis on male engagement might result in better outcomes, especially in countries with strong patriarchal societies. Few studies in francophone West Africa have examined attitudes of male involvement in family planning from the perspective of men themselves, yet this evidence is necessary for development of successful family planning projects that include men. This qualitative study, conducted in 2016, explored...

Abortion history and its association with current use of modern contraceptive methods in Luanda, Angola

Ndola Prata
Natalie Morris

The Bixby Center’s Natalie Morris and Ndola Prata have published an article in the Open Access Journal of Contraception on their study regarding abortion’s influence on contraceptive behavior in Luanda, Angola.

Background: Women in sub-Saharan Africa often use abortion as a method of limiting their fertility and spacing births. However, it is not well understood whether having an abortion influences contraceptive behavior. The goal of this study was to examine associations between abortion history and use of a modern contraceptive method among women in Luanda,...