Post Abortion Care (PAC)

The health, social, and economic consequences of unsafe abortion: Papers presented at an IUSSP Seminar, Mexico, 2010

Susheela Singh
Sandra G. García
Agnès Guillaume
Friday Okonofua
Ndola Prata

Unsafe abortion continues to be an important factor affecting women’s reproductive lives and survival in the developing world, where 98% of all unsafe abortions occur. It has not declined in recent years, continuing at an annual rate of 16 per 1000 women of reproductive age in the developing world according to updated information for 2008. Laws that are highly restrictive help to explain the prevalence of unsafe abortion; however, even in some countries where the law permits abortion under broad indications, difficulties in accessing legal and safe services mean that high proportions of...

Confronting Maternal Mortality Due to Postpartum Hemorrhage and Unsafe Abortion: A Call for Commitment

Joseph Karanja
Projestine Muganyizi
Emmanuel Rwamushaija
Nuriye Hodoglugil
Emma Nesper Holm
Regional Experts’ Summit Group

In this commentary co-authored by VSI and the Regional Experts’ Summit Group, 35 ob/gyns and public health experts from 12 countries in Africa call for political commitment to expanding access to misoprostol for its many uses in maternal health.

African Journal of Reproductive Health, 2013

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Characteristics of Women Seeking Abortion-related Services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Unsafe abortion is one of leading causes of maternal mortality in Ethiopia, accounting for 30% of maternal deaths. With the 2005 revision of the criminal code, Ethiopia has one of the most liberal abortion laws on the continent and abortion-related services, including postabortion care (PAC), are available in both public and private facilities.

For the full technical report, click here.


Misoprostol for Treatment of Incomplete Abortion in Madagascar

UC Berkeley Bixby Center

This brief, written in French, presents the findings from a study on misoprostol for treatment of incomplete abortion and miscarriage in Madagascar which demonstrate the safety and acceptability of the medication-based service. VSI supported partner Marie Stopes Madagascar in its implementation.

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Expanding Access to Postabortion Care Services in Mozambique

UC Berkeley Bixby Center

VSI, AMOG and the Bixby Center at UC Berkeley conducted operations research addressing unsafe abortion with misoprostol in Mozambique. This research brief demonstrates that misoprostol is a promising alternative to surgical methods of treating incomplete abortion, and that expanding the level of health facility and provider trained on misoprostol can increase women’s access to these essential services.

For the brief in French, click here....

Misoprostol Use in Postabortion Care: A Service Delivery Toolkit


This toolkit is designed to help district or national-level clinicians, facility managers or program managers initiate the use of misoprostol as a medical treatment for incomplete abortion or integrate misoprostol into existing postabortion care services.

Click here to download the Toolkit in French. / La version française se trouve ici.


The Role of Misoprostol in Scaling Up Postabortion Care

N. Sahin-Hodoglugil

This letter, published in International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, presents the benefits of misoprostol for use in treating incomplete abortion. Its relative ease of use for this indication and cost-effectiveness, render misoprostol a key tool for scaling up access to postabortion care services in remote areas where deaths from unsafe abortion are common.

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Rwanda PAC Women’s Educational Booklet


Information, education and communication (IEC) campaign sample from a postabortion care (PAC) operations research project in Rwanda using the local Kinyarwanda language.

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Contraceptive Pocket Guide for Clinicians


A pocket reference for clinicians, this Contraceptive Pocket Guide details the contraceptive methods that can be used after postabortion care services both with misoprostol and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA).

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Expanding Access to Postabortion Care Services in Rwanda


This brief summarizes the final results of a comprehensive postabortion care (PAC) pilot program conducted by the Rwanda Ministry of Health and VSI to address maternal deaths due to unsafe abortion. The results demonstrate that enabling mid-level providers at health centers to provide PAC through the integration of misoprostol as a treatment method increases the availability of PAC services and brings them closer to women.

Click here for the brief in French...