Bhavya Joshi presented research in Malawi

May 23, 2024

DrPH candidate Bhavya Joshi  has been working on her dissertation with her advisor, Bixby Center Chair and Professor Ndola Prata, MD, MSc. Bhavya teamed up with Professor Prata on the Malawi trip to present research at the at the African Population Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi.

Bhavya’s research presentation title: the Reproductive Health Services and Needs of Refugees Women in Compounded Crises: A Qualitative Study.

Introduction: the number of new refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) grows around the world each year. When the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) began reporting annual numbers of forcibly displaced individuals in 1951, they totaled 2,116,011. At the end of 2020, the number had grown to 89,281,133, an increase of over 4,000%.i Between 2015 and 2020 alone, the number grew by 25 million individuals.ii These numbers are likely underestimates, not overestimates. Not only does the number of forcibly displaced individuals continue to grow, but the causes of displacement are also increasing. Crises and its impacts are increasing worldwide. In the last three years, the pandemic alone disrupted essential health services in 92 percent of countries.iii

To read Bhavya's complete research presentation, please click here.