Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Using microbicides to fight the spread of HIV Malcolm Potts; R Short 2003 Letter to the Editor
Osur et al.’s Implementation of misoprostol for postabortion care in Kenya and Uganda: a qualitative evaluation VSI; Joanna Ortega; Nuriye Nalan-Sahin Hodoglugil; Molly Moran 2013 Letter to the Editor
Conservation and family planning in Tanzania: the TACARE experience Amy A. Grossman; Mary Mavanza 2007 Case Study
AVAILABILITY CASE STUDY: Misoprostol in Tanzania VSI 2012 Case Study
Case study: fertility decline in Iran Farnaz Vahidnia 2007 Case Study
Misoprostol Distribution at Antenatal Care in Tanzania VSI; UC Berkeley Bixby Center 2011 Poster
Tanzania PPH Misoprostol Poster UC Berkeley Bixby Center; VSI 2011 Poster
Misoprostol Use in Postabortion Care: A Service Delivery Toolkit VSI 2011 Toolkit
A review of “Sex Before the Sexual Revolution: Intimate Life in England 1918–1963” Malcolm Potts 2011 Book review
Sex and the Birth Rate: Human Biology, Demographic Change, and Access to Fertility Regulation Methods Malcolm Potts 1997 Book review