Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Titlesort descending Author Year Publication type
Partner reduction is crucial for balanced “ABC” approach to HIV prevention James D Shelton; Daniel T Halperin; Vinand Nantulya; Malcolm Potts; Helene D Gayle; King K Holmes 2004 Journal Article
Population and Climate Change: Empowering 100 Million Women Malcolm Potts; Alisha Graves 2013 Report
Population and climate change: who will the grand convergence leave behind? Campbell M; Casterline J; Castillo F; Graves A; Hall T; May J; Perlman D; Potts M; Speidel J; Walsh J; Wehner M; Zulu E 2014 Commentary
Population and environment in the twenty-first century Malcolm Potts 2007 Journal Article
Population growth and the MDGs Malcolm Potts 2007 Letter to the Editor
Population growth and the Millennium Development Goals Malcolm Potts; J Fotso 2007 Commentary
Postpartum family planning: current evidence on successful interventions Ndola Prata; Cassandra Blazer 2016 Journal Article
Potential for Cost Recovery: Women’s Willingness to Pay for Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia Ndola Prata; Suzanne Bell; Karen Weidert; Amanuel Gessessew 2013 Journal Article
Potential for Cost Recovery: Women’s Willingness to Pay for Injectable Contraceptives in Tigray, Ethiopia Ndola Prata; Suzanne Bell; Karen Weidert; Amanuel Gessessew 2015 Journal Article
Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage at the Community Level: A Compendium of Operations Research Ndola Prata; Martine M. Holston 2013 Report