Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Ability to pay for maternal health services: what will it take to meet WHO standards? Ndola Prata; Fiona Greig; Julia Walsh; Anna West 2004 Journal Article
Using microbicides to fight the spread of HIV Malcolm Potts; R Short 2003 Letter to the Editor
Microbicides and HIV: Help or Hindrance? Eran Karmon; Malcolm Potts; Wayne Getz 2003 Journal Article
Two pills, two paths: a tale of gender bias Malcolm Potts 2003 Journal Article
Innovations in access to TB and HIV/AIDS care in sub-Saharan Africa: dynamic engagement of the private sector Dominic Montagu; GIjs Elzinga 2003 Opinion
Important step for global security Martha Campbell; Malcolm Potts 2003 Correspondence
War, peace, and fertility in Angola Victor Agadjanian; Ndola Prata 2002 Journal Article
War, peace, and fertility in Angola Victor Agadjanian 2002 Journal Article
Response to Ronald Gray, Male circumcision and HIV acquisition and transmission: cohort studies in Rakai, Uganda Daniel T Halperin; Helen A Weiss; Richard Hayes; Bertran Auvert; Robert C Bailey; Jack Caldwell; Thomas Coates; Nancy Padian; Malcolm Potts; Allan Ronald; Roger Short; Brian Williams; Jeffrey Klausner 2002 Journal Article
Franchising of health services in low-income countries Dominic Montagu 2002 Review Article