Recent Publications

You can filter our recent publications by keyword, author, publication date, or by topic. Topics are organized according to our core research subjects. 

Title Author Year Publication type
Quinacrine sterilization: a middle road Giuseppe Benagiano; Malcolm Potts 2001 Commentary
Thinking About Vaginal Microbicide Testing Malcolm Potts 2000 Commentary
The most pressing issue Malcolm Potts 2000 Journal Article
Making Cairo work Malcolm Potts; Julia Walsh 1999 Journal Article
Schools of Thought: An Analysis of Interest Groups Influential in International Population Policy Martha Campbell 1998 Journal Article
Sex and the Birth Rate: Human Biology, Demographic Change, and Access to Fertility Regulation Methods Malcolm Potts 1997 Book review
The fertility transition in Cuba and the Federal Republic of Korea: the impact of organised family planning Jeanne Noble; Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
The myth of a male pill Malcolm Potts 1996 Journal Article
Safety implications of transferring the oral contraceptive from prescription-only to over-the-counter status Malcolm Potts; Colleen Denny 1995 Journal Article
Letter: Funding international family planning Malcolm Potts; John Guillebaud 1994 Correspondence