Family Planning

The myth of a male pill

Malcolm Potts

This article discusses progress and limitations in developing a male birth control pill

Published in Nature Medicine 2, 398 – 399 (1996)

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The fertility transition in Cuba and the Federal Republic of Korea: the impact of organised family planning

Jeanne Noble
Malcolm Potts

South Korea and Cuba are dissimilar in religion, economy, culture and attitudes toward premarital sexual relations. In 1960, Korea instituted a national family planning programme to combat rapid population growth. Cuba explicitly rejected Malthusian policies, but made family planning universally available in 1974 in response to health needs. Both countries have undergone rapid fertility declines and today have less than replacement level fertility. Both countries have also used a similar mixture of methods, including a high prevalence of female sterilisation. Abortion has played a major...

Making Cairo work

Malcolm Potts
Julia Walsh

The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development set broad new goals for family planning and reproductive health. The resources available to fund these much needed programmes, however, are much smaller than was originally calculated. To divide the limited budgets for the maximum health impact, likely resource flows need to be set against the cost of various family planning and reproductive health interventions. Preliminary analysis suggests that selection of cost-effective delivery of family planning services would still meet much of the need for family planning, and that...

War, peace, and fertility in Angola

Victor Agadjanian

Using data from a nationally representative survey conducted in 1996, some two years after the end of a major outbreak of war, we examine the impact of war on the timing of recent births and war-related differences in reproductive preferences in Angola. We find evidence of a wartime drop and a postwar rebound in fertility, but these trends vary greatly, depending on the type and degree of exposure to war and on women’s socioeconomic characteristics. At the same time, variations by parity are nonsignificant. In fertility preferences, the relative antinatalism of Angola’s most modernized...

War, peace, and fertility in Angola

Victor Agadjanian
Ndola Prata

Using data from a nationally representative survey conducted in 1996, some two years after the end of a major outbreak of war, we examine the impact of war on the timing of recent births and war-related differences in reproductive preferences in Angola. We find evidence of a wartime drop and a postwar rebound in fertility, but these trends vary greatly, depending on the type and degree of exposure to war and on women’s socioeconomic characteristics. At the same time, variations by parity are nonsignificant. In fertility preferences, the relative antinatalism of Angola’s most modernized...

Important step for global security

Martha Campbell
Malcolm Potts

This letter to the lancet discusses the need to meet the increasing demand for access to modern family planning and family as a strategy for global security

Published in Lancet, 7 5 2003, 362(9377):76

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Making family planning accessible in resource-poor settings

Ndola Prata

It is imperative to make family planning more accessible in low resource settings. The poorest couples have the highest fertility, the lowest contraceptive use and the highest unmet need for contraception. It is also in the low resource settings where maternal and child mortality is the highest. Family planning can contribute to improvements in maternal and child health, especially in low resource settings where overall access to health services is limited. Four critical steps should be taken to increase access to family planning in resource-poor settings: (i) increase knowledge...

Op-Ed The Harmful Consequences of Defunding Planned Parenthood

Anjali Nadeswaran

In response to Alexis McGill Johnson’s “Planned Parenthood isn’t political. It’s been politicized.”

In a political climate where Roe v. Wade is increasingly threatened, the fight for continuous federal funding of Planned Parenthood must be at the top of our agenda. It is no surprise that the Trump administration seeks to defund the nonprofit organization that provides vital reproductive healthcare services, including abortion, to women...

A Clinic-Based School Readiness Coaching Intervention for Low-Income Latino Children: An Intervention Study

Ndola Prata
Jaime W. Peterson
Jannine Bruce
Kim G. Harley
Lynne C. Huffman
Lisa J. Chamberlain

This intervention study assessed school readiness (SR)-related parent behaviors and perceived barriers for Latino parent-child pairs (N = 149, Mage = 4.5) after a clinic-based SR intervention (n = 74) or standard well-child care (n = 75). Intervention was a 1-hour visit with a community health worker (CHW) to assess child SR, model SR interactions, and provide SR tools and resources. Primary outcomes were parent behaviors and barriers collected by phone questionnaire. Regression analyses revealed that parents in the intervention were more likely to tell...

Women’s Empowerment and Fertility: A Review of the Literature

Ndola Prata
Ushma D. Upadhyay
Jessica D. Gipson
Mellissa Withers
Shayna Lewis
Erica J. Ciaraldi
Ashley Fraser
Megan J. Huchko

Women’s empowerment has become a focal point for development efforts worldwide and there is a need for an updated, critical assessment of the existing evidence on women’s empowerment and fertility. We conducted a literature review on studies examining the relationships between women’s empowerment and several fertility-related topics. Among the 60 studies identified for this review, the majority were conducted in South Asia (n = 35) and used household decision-making as a measure of empowerment (n = 37). Overall, the vast majority of studies found some positive associations between women’s...