Global Health

Reaching the hard to reach

Martha Campbell
Malcolm Potts
Pouru Bhiwandi

PIP: The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development proposed increasing contraceptive couple protection from 550 million in 1995 to 880 million in 2015. The task for family planning (FP) programs is to provide access to services for, sometimes, inaccessible rural populations. FP need based on desire for no more children has ranged from under 20% in Senegal to almost 80% in Peru. Socioeconomic development was found not to be a prerequisite for fertility change. Gender inequalities in education and social autonomy must be changed. FP access is very important among women with...

"Berkeley professor from Angola talks about the threat to abortion rights—globally"

May 22, 2022

a woman professor with short dark curly hair wearing glasses smiling at you

Professor Ndola Prata MD, MSc was interviewed by 48 Hills to speak about abortion rights globally. She discussed important aspects of medical demography, population, and family planning, and maternal, child, and adolescent health worldwide, with special emphasis on law and social justice. To read the complete article,...

The impact of vouchers on the use and quality of health care in developing countries: a systematic review

Carinne Meyer Brodya
Nicole Bellowsc
Martha Campbell
Malcom Potts

One approach to delivering healthcare in developing countries is through voucher programmes, where vouchers are distributed to a targeted population for free or subsidised health care. Using inclusion/exclusion criteria, a search of databases, key journals and websites review was conducted in October 2010. A narrative synthesis approach was taken to summarise and analyse five outcome categories: targeting, utilisation, cost efficiency, quality and health outcomes. Sub-group and sensitivity analyses were also performed. A total of 24 studies evaluating 16 health voucher programmes were...

Population and Climate Change: Empowering 100 Million Women

Malcolm Potts
Alisha Graves

Meeting the world’s need for family planning is a human right and a climate imperative. Wherever women have been given information and access to family planning, birth rates have fallen – even in poor, low-literate societies like Bangladesh or conservative religious countries such as Iran.

Published in The United Nations Climate Change Conference – Cop19 & CMP9 2013; 30-31.

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The Sahel: A Malthusian Challenge?

Malcolm Potts
Courtney Henderson
Martha Campbell

The population of the least developed countries of the Sahel will more than triple from 100 million to 340 million by 2050, and new research projects that today’s extreme temperatures will become the norm by mid-century. The region is characterized by poverty, illiteracy, weak infrastructure, failed states, widespread conflict, and an abysmal status of women. Scenarios beyond 2050 demonstrate that, without urgent and significant action today, the Sahel could become the first part of planet earth that suffers large-scale starvation and escalating conflict as a growing human population...

Global Misoprostol Registration Map


VSI’s Global Misoprostol Map presents a snapshot of the current registration status of misoprostol worldwide. Registration is the process by which a drug is approved by a regulatory agency for importation, distribution and marketing for a specific medical indication after a thorough review of its effectiveness, safety and manufacturing process. It is a key strategy and critical first step to improving access to any drug or device.

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Population and climate change: who will the grand convergence leave behind?

Campbell M
Casterline J
Castillo F
Graves A
Hall T
May J
Perlman D
Potts M
Speidel J
Walsh J
Wehner M
Zulu E

For many developing countries, investments in health have proved a great success. The Lancet Commission “Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation” and the 2014 Gates annual letter envision the possibility of a “grand convergence” by which more countries will have a child mortality rate as low as 15 per 1000 livebirths in 20 years time. We wish to draw attention to the special case of the least developed countries, which on present evidence are likely to be excluded from such a convergence. To start a discussion we will focus on the Sahel (the 1 million square-mile semi-...

Getting family planning and population back on track

Malcolm Potts

After a generation of partial neglect, renewed attention is being paid to population and voluntary family planning. Realistic access to family planning is a prerequisite for women’s autonomy. For the individual, family, society, and our fragile planet, family planning has great power.

Published in Global Health: Science and Practice 2014; 2(2), 145-51.

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